We work on vintage designer bags of the highest quality in order to add your own personal flair while visually and artistically enhancing the product to be a unique piece of art to express yourself while wearing it, designer bags such as Louis Vuitton, Channel, Gucci, Prada, etc.
Our vintage designer bags are custom painted individually with extra care and the highest quality, professional leather paint and leather glitter (?).
All paintings are permanent and water proof and does not wash away, avoiding harsh chemicals is highly advised.
Each design is exclusive and original customization with no seconds, specifically for the item ordered, this is to ensure, that you, our client, enjoy the privilege of owning a custom piece of art tailored only for you.
All designer bags are meticulously and confidently authenticated through a third party prior to listing. We do not work on or sell counterfeit merchandise. We also offer extra authentication upon request for $25,00.
Our processing time is 2-5 days per custom order, we price each individual item based on how long it will take us to complete your desired design. All of our shipments are insured and sent via express mail with valid trucking information.